Crossword Software (alpha)


Easy to use software to generate crossword puzzles.

This is still very much alpha software (totally unfinished).  This crossword puzzle generator is provided here for those who would like to kick the tyres and get a preview of some upcoming software.






Install file here



  • Apha software (very incomplete)
  • Unimplemented menu items are greyed out..
  • No way to save a crossword yet.

What is done:

  • Generates a valid cross word, generally quickly, but may stall for 20 seconds during generation.
    • Not a bug, my algorithm is not finished. If it works itself into a corner, it tries to think its way out instead of backing up a step.
  • Supports several generation rules.
  • “View Solution” toggle enabled
  • Gives basic clues (just a word definition at the moment)
  • Zooming in moving etc (few minor bugs still).

Next Release

  • Mark squares that must/must not be used.
  • Dictionary management
  •  Find spot for given word
  • Find word(s) for given spot.
  • Restrict to words of a certain readership / usage frequency.
  • Bitmap backgrounds.
  • High DPI screen support.

Road Map

  • Proper clues
  • Subject areas option for word selection
  • Support for visually impaired output
  • App(ify) / Touch screen support
  • Support for half-toning and newsprint optimisation
  • Awesome-sauce graphics options
  • Artistic options
  • Use one dictionary across a series of crosswords.
  • Multiple languages.


Contact / Feedback

[contact-form subject=’Crossword software (via website)’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Type of comment’ type=’select’ options=’Support,Bug Report,Feature Request,Sales Enquiry,Other’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]

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