Parametric VESA Mount Fixer.

Recently I encountered a monitor that used a different mount positioning despite being only a few digits of in model number to its neighbour. The monitor needed to live with the other, sharing a horizontal mounting arm. I created an OpenSCAD mount to convert “lower mounted VESA”, to “central mounted VESA”.

You can download it via:


Some manufactures put the VESA mount at the bottom of the screen, others in the middle. This can cause an issue for many situations, especially if monitors need to be used on a shared mount or in portrait mode.

Lets compare the pro’s cons of the mounting styles:

Feature VESA
Monitors line up nicely when sharing a mount. Yes No
Monitor is stable and does not roll violently on mount. Yes No
Monitor can be used in portrait mode without a rigid mount. Yes No
Monitor won’t drop forward overtime on an adjustable mount. Yes No
Mounting high on shop wall hides what is behind screen. No Yes
Monitor is cheaper to produce. No Yes

The result for a shared mount was quite noticeable.

The plate which pokes out, should connect to the monitor. The other to the VESA mount (See below).

How it works.


The mount can be customised in OpenSCAD, or via the Thingverse customiser:

CAD View.

The following parameters should be altered to suit your need.

Parameter Values Notes
correction The distance to move the screen down.
washer_size Creates pockets for washers and bolts to sit flush in. Use zero to disable.
connection_size >=30
The size by which the central column extends over the top of the VESA plate. Significant trade of between material use and strength. 30 produces a cheap print and holds light monitors. But 80 should be used for heavy displayed, or displays someone may pull downward on.
step >=0
Total recess size (depth) of the adapter.
thickness > 1
Thickness of the VESA plate. This must be >= the depth of any pocket the vesa mount will sit in. Probably don’t go below 5 if 3D printing.

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